introduction ,

I present to you…

Hannish Princess Izani Ishanvi

Heir to the throne of Thavnair , Sky Queen of the Maegi and Jade , Mother of Coeurls , Commander of the Uonavi , the Young Coeurl , Light of the East , Bride of Fire , the Hannish Siren, Vrtra’s Legacy , Warrior of Light , Azem of the Convocation of Fourteen.

please note:
Nothing written in Iza's story is 100% Lore-friendly as I do not abide by those limits. I will take pieces but not all. If you are looking for a more lore-friendly RP partner than Iza is not for you but you are welcome to still read her story.

about me ,

  • name Izani Rjna Sri Ishanvi

  • alias Alpha, Hand of Mercy, Queen

  • ancient name Isneiris / Azem

  • age Unknown

  • pronouns She/Her

  • birthplace Radz-at-Han, Thavnair

  • birthdate 20th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon

  • astro sign Leo

  • orientation Demisexual Lesbian

  • species Mixed Born (Rava Viera + Faerie)

  • class Dancer + Samurai + Sage + Astrologer

  • occupation Sky Pirate Captain Fixer • Archeologist • Adventurer • Librarian

  • birthplace Radz-at-Han, Thavnair

  • fragrance A subtle blend of Jazmine oil (the type varies depending on her activities, but always leaves a lingering smokey fragrance) tropical florals and light, sweet exotic vanilla.

  • titles Sky Queen of the Maegi & Jade, Mother of Coeurls, Princess of Ishanvi, Golden Lotus, Commander of the Uonavi , the Young Coeurl , Light of the East , Bride of Fire , the Hannish Siren, Vrtra’s Legacy, Warrior of Light, Champion of Eorzea, Slayer of Gods, Bringer of Light, Warrior of Darkness, the Traveler, Azem of the Convocation of Fourteen.

  • symbolic flower Lotus

Positive TraitsNegative Traits
• Fierce & unwavering loyalty• Single-minded; easily blinded by emotions
• Strong moral compass; honorable & honest• Competitive; hates to lose
• Self-aware, sensible, & humble• Isolationist; internalizes problems
• Learns from mistakes• Ties her self-worth to her honor
• Protective & courageous• Self-sacrificial; reactive, often to protect someone else
• Mischievous & cheeky 

Izani’s so wide, almond-shaped eyes are often significantly more expressive than her expressions themselves. Under thick lashes, bright emerald eyes frame her slits. Her skin is sun-kissed, tanning to a slightly darker tone when in the sun too long.

Upon closer look, Izani’s skin is littered with thin scars from training and other combat. Despite her petite size, Izani’s physique is particularly toned from years of dancing and fighting. With her focus being primarily on the art of dance, muscle definition is particularly noticeable in her arms, legs and abdomen.

  • languages Ravanese • Hannish • Eorzean • Hingan • Some knowledge of various beast tribe languages.

  • beastkin (coeurls) Kaido , Aiphone and Icien

  • elements Earth + Fire

  • talents Singing, Fire Dancing, Harp and Piano play.

  • education Highly literate, knowledgeable of basic courtly etiquette, and skilled in performance arts.

  • personality Fierce & unwavering loyalty • Strong moral compass; honorable & honest • Self-aware, sensible, & humble • Learns from mistakes • Protective & courageous • Mischievous & cheeky • Feisty

  • alignment Chaotic Neutral

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